
reflection 2

My motives for writing:


I myself have two main motives to write. One of them is Knowledge. Every time a teacher or college professor gives a writing assignment they expect great details about your topic, so this pushes someone to do some background research about a particular writing topic. Not only does this improve your writing but it has an impact on knowledge for future assignments. And I know for a fact that people aren’t going to want to be called a dumb ass all there life. And this is why I think knowledge is an important motive for writing. The next big motive for me would have to be getting your point across. Especially in argumentative papers or essays this motive is an important one. If you agree or disagree with something than you will be able to express you’re self and how you really feel to that persons opinions. If you are able to get your point across to someone than that means you will be remembered for making that person feel like an ass. But my motives are very much like George Orwell’s are in the essay Excerpt from why I write except his are worded are differently. Like my first motive can easily fit in his which is sheer egoism and that is desire to seem clever. Knowledge and clever have a relationship in a way. And getting your point across would fit into his motive which is political purpose and that is desire to push the world in a certain direction.


weblog 4

The author of devoid of content which is Stanley Fish Dean at the university of Illinois at chicago, is basicaly trying to say is that students that have graduated are unable to construct a correctly organized sentence. Simply because he claims that “they are not being taught what sentences are.” Stanley Fish feels that high school teachers should be able to fit his writting method into there high school curriculum. But why is his method better than high school teachers? To me his method seems confusing. It consists of dividing the students into groups and by the end of the semester each group will will be expected to have created there own language, complete with a syntax, a lexicon, a text, rules for translating the text and strategies for teaching their language to fellow students. And the language that the students create cannot be english. But the question is how is this “method” going to help construct a well put together sentence? I myself don’t personally  think that it’s the teachers fault. Because when I was in high school, there were these kids that never took notes, or even went to class. So if the students are not putting forth the effert to learn how to write than they will never understand how to write a well written sentence. So I think Mr.fish is not going to force new college students to try any harder than in high school.


Reflection 1

       Why I Jive.


I Jive to feel good. I jive when I’m bored. I live to myself. I jive to others. Jiving puts smiles on peoples face. Jiving puts smiles on my face. Jiving is a reaction. Jiving is an attraction. People ask me why I Jive. I tell them Jiving is a sixth sense for me. Jiving is a way of life. While jiving spirits are lifted. Jiving is a way to express your self. Jiving is a way to redeem your self. Jiving brings people together. Jiving will stay with me forever. I tell people to jive more often. They tell me I jive to promptly. Jiving is a journal in my head. I use words as pen in paper when I jive. Jiving will let a person who you really are. Its best if you jive to far. I cant’ think of what else I do with Jiving, so just remember Jiving is an action not a hobby.


Weblog 3

After examining both Harold Bloom’s “Dumbing down american readers” and Steve Almonds “The Bloom is off the mark,” I’m going to lean more toward Steve Almonds article.  Simply because I felt that Harold Bloom verbaly assulted Stephen king and J.K Rowling. It seems to me that Harold Blooms article is trying to molipunate readers to reading what he calls “good writing”. Bloom states “ I went to the Yale university book store and bought and read a copy of Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone, I sufferd a great deal in the process.” What this tells me is that Harold Bloom may not appreciate these types of writings because they are do not fit in his style of novels . Just because Bloom feels this way about J.k Rowling and stephen kings material does not mean they are bad writters. In Steve Almonds article he explains “King may not be doing as good as a job as Bloom would like. But he is doing an honest job, at the very least, one inclined to regard as heroic.” Stephen King has millions of fans evey where, that have read his books since the beginning, Just because Harold Bloom thinks that he should’nt receive the Nobal prize award, and does not have an impact on what his fans want.


Weblog 2

My professor is asking me to describe a time that I told a lie, hope you enjoy it. About a year ago I went down to chick’s beach to hang out with some friends for the day, all of a sudden I had to take a pee. So I walked away from the car into an area with some trees and bushes, so I preceded to pee, unknowing that there was poison ivy on the tree that I was peeing by. At this point I’m running trying to catch up with my friends that were walking to the beach. The next day came around and I had night school that night at Granby High school for English. In the middle of that particular class I started Itching all over my body, so I lifted up my shirt and showed my teacher Mrs.k all the bumps on my side and she informed me that I’ve already missed the maximum amount of days that I’m allowed to miss.  By then I gather my books and went down to the principles office (Mr. Holmes.) I let Mr. Holmes about this suspicious rash that was developing on my side. He looks at me while writing a pass to go home and says ‘’Mathew go see a doctor, this absence is going to be excused come bake Thursday.” So I left and talked to a pharmacist and he tells that the rash was poison ivy. So I purchased some calamine lotion and immediately put it on. Thursday comes around and its 90 degrees outside and my friends are going to the beach again. And I was unable to go because of night school. I’m on my way to school rash free. As I go to park I thought to myself “Man I wana go to the beach.” I look over in my passenger seat and there was the bottle of calamine lotion. So I start poring it all over my side while slapping my skin until it turned red. And I walk into Mr. Holmes office and showed him and he tells me to go back home, and the absence will be excused. And I went to the beach with all my friends. I sat down and thought for about a minute or two “ wow I bet I can do this for about a week straight with the absences excused .” And I did.


Weblog 1

Hey everyone, and welcome to matt’s blog. It’s the first time I’ve ever engaged in this thing people call blogging. Well I’m sure that many of you are reading my blog title and are realizing that it’s name is “Random thoughts with matt.” See well it all started when I was working at my first line of business which was a cook at Surf rider, it seems like every time I was asked a question about work or even what I did on the weekend I would just look at that person and say a smart ass response or sing a track off of a movie like fat guy in a little coat off the movie Tommy boy, it’s one of my favorite movies. But yeah I’m just the type of guy that would never take anything serious and thought everything was a big joke, so if you ever have a conversation with me I could say some off the wall shit or even sing a variety of melody’s. I’m really an easy going laid back type of person; actually politics is starting to take interest in my life. One of the biggest reasons why I changed my major from Radiology to liberal arts is because I just like arguing my point across even if I’m incorrect. I’m actually looking forward to blogging with everyone that is willing to blog back. I like to talk a lot so I’m sure we will get to know each other better after one or two blog entries. Well take care every one and remember only you can prevent forest fires.




Hey guys whats goin on. My name is matt and i’m currently in english 111 with one of the coolest teachers ever.Hanging out with my friends and meeting new people is what I like to do. I’m very social, sometimes it’s hard to shut me up. I’m a cook at anchore inn resturant on nimmo parkway. I’m single ready to mingle. Going to all types of shows at the Norva mostly hard core shows.  My plan is to get certified as a x-ray tech at tcc then contiue my education at odu or whoever takes me. I’m pretty much the cooliest person anyone will meet.

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